Sunday, July 25, 2010

The part 2

To see my visit in Europe part2 Please click the Older Post at the bottom of the web.

Pre-UPSR techniques to answer questions

Bahasa Melayu Workshop
Last Friday, a speaker came to our school. She gave a workshop about Bahasa Malaysia.Her name was Puan Sharifah. She told us how many marks in Paper 1 which is Pemahaman. She did show us the diagram of adjectives and others. You really must believe because the diagram was pretty long. I did not have much time to finish it up (for further review I was reallly mad at her when she ended the diagram that I did not finish)
Paper 2, Penulisan. She told us how to get an A in Bahasa Malaysia. I was writing what she told in my book. She told us the technique or tactics to do Penulisan. Puan Sharifah told us to copy what she told to the Year 6 pupils. My notes was really looooooooooooooooooong. It was 19 Pages of my book. Puan Sharifah alsogive us a worksheet.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Reflection & Reflection

I would like to thank to my teacher, Puan Ng Bee Ling for explaining me how to do this folio.
I would like to thank to my sister and friends for helping me to do this folio.
I learn a lot of stuff from this folio. I learn how to create a blog. Writing a review of a storybook
called Holes In The Fence. I learn simple way to cool down and what is a conflict.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

FoLiO No.5

1.To come into collision or disagreement, be contradictory, at variance or in opposition, clash.
The account of one eye witness conflicted with that of the other.

2.a)take time out. Count to ten and take a deep breath.
b)do something you enjoy like listening to radio or read a book.
c)squeeze a pillow or yell at it

Monday, June 7, 2010

Folio no. 4

I think I'm cool because I never give up.

Umar because:
1. He likes to help other people.
2. He never gives up.
3. He is talented in arts.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Folio no. 3

Meaning of tolerence is:

The altidue of someone who is willing other peoples belief, ways of life.

Folio no. 2

Writing a Review
Title: Holes in the fence

Author: Sheikh Hassan Seylan Abad

Illustrater:Sheikh Hassan Seylan Abad

Publisher:Abad Ceria Enterprise.

This story is abut a boy with a bad temper. His temper is so bad that no one would want to play with him. One day, he asked his neighbour to play football with him but when went to the field. No one was there. He was really angry that and returned to his home. His father was at the park and act that he did not realised he was there. The boy put his sneakers down to the groung and kick his sneakers. Luckily, it did not hit his father. He went to his room and screamed where is his towel. His father wore a sarong looking like a servant and brought him a towel. The boy felt guilty and wanted to change. His father gave him a hammer and some nails. He said every time he felt angry, he must hammer nails in the fence. Everyday, he hammer nails in the fence and also try to control his anger. When he can control his anger, his father asked to pull out a nail from the fence. When all the nails are pulled out from the fence, he then changed.

Moral: Do not get angry all the time and controll your anger or else you have no friends

The part I like the most is when he wanted to change.